Saturday 1 February 2014

25 tips for fair glowing white skin

To get a fair skin and glowing skin everyone desire and always want to maintain it. for flawless and radiance skin we have to follow some beauty tips. which are easily can be  done at home.
everyone go for either Parlor /beauty salon spend much money OR purchase some perfect beauty product which can make your expense much high B'coz of attraction for fair skin every girl and women want to have fair skin for that a lots of beauty treatment are available in the market herbal and chemicalized, for those here are some of the natural beauty tips and easy home remedies to get skin whitening. to make your skin glowing, fair and lighten follow these Beauty tips for best result make it a part of your daily routine.
1..For Oily skin, 2TBSP. gram flour, lemon juice ,milk cream and pinch of turmeric mix  well & apply on your face by massage slowly, leave it for 20 min. and rinse off.
 2.For instant glow & lighten apply mashed banana with honey on face.
3.For dry skin use wheat flour, curd and turmeric, it will keep the skin soft, smooth  and fair.
4.Use lemon,glycerin and honey for brighter & whiten complexion.
5.Apply tomato pulp on face and neck it will remove blackheads,whiteheads and will  close the open pores also.Automatically you will get fair and radiance skin.
6.Cut the potato in slice pour into water for 5 min. then rub up to 5 min. on your face,  slowly on dark circle and blemishes,let it dry then wash with cold water, regular use of  this home remedy will remove dark spots permanently.
7. Mix Rice flour and curd, message in circular motion over face. it's a natural  scrub.use at least once in a will improve your complexion too.
8.Boil Cumin and let it cool,wash your face with this water, amazing Glow.
9.Boil Cabbage and let it cool wash your face for Radiance look.
10.Apply carrot juice daily for blemish free skin.
11. Mix Multani mitti,sandal powder in rosewater then apply twice in a week to keep  skin glow also relax your acne & pimples.
12.Use Egg white and honey as a face mask to remove tan from the face.
13. Soak Almond in milk overnight make paste in the morning for fair skin.
14. Use saffron with milk for pinkish glow over face.
15.Use Egg yolk over face for 15 min. then wash with warm water then apply ice cube.  egg yolk moisturize the face and ice-cube tighten skin.
16. Cucumber is natural cleanser, so keep your skin clean & clear mix cucumber  juice with milk and rinse off after 15. minutes.
17. Lemon is natural bleach, slice it and rub over face and neck then rinse off, it  removes tan , dark spots,blemishes and lighten skin , After regular use your skin will  be fairer.
18.Apply mint paste on your face to make it glowing and fair.if possible make this as everyday can refrigerate this almost one week.
19.Apply Lemon juice with honey message gently it will make skin soft and smooth.
20.Apply aloe-Vera jel for smoother and Fair skin.
21. USE Oatmeal,Yogurt and tomato for applying this on the face, rinse off after 15  minutes with cold water. it's very effective to remove tan and lighten,skin.
22. Steam your face after every 15 days to remove dirt's from your skin and keep it glow  naturally. you can mix some mint and tulsi leaves in water while taking steam. if you  are suffering from acne just go through this process after 15 days surely, effect will tell  your mirror.
23.Apply oatmeal and cucumber juice to tighten the pores.
24. Make paste of Tulsi ,rose petals and apply over face and keep your face  acne free  and glow like rose.
25.You can also apply Raw milk everyday in the morning when you are working in your  kitchen, it is very good cleanser.
Posted By: Unknown

25 tips for fair glowing white skin


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1 comment:

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