Wednesday 15 January 2014

how to get adsense approve your site

If you have applied for Google Adsense, and it got rejected then you must have made some mistake. You might have not followed Google’s policies and TOS.
Getting an account in these days is very very tough, but if you have think you are very lucky among very few people.
If you are feed up with continuously getting rejected by Google, then why not give a try to Adsense alternatives like chitika,, infolink, etc.
Following are some of the guidelines you must comply before applying for Adsense:

#1 Good, Original and Quality Content

Writing good quality content is very necessary, do not copy content from any where or from other websites. Google will check it before approving your account.
Content should be good quantity and quality, around 300 to 500 words in one webpage. Try to maintain uniqueness in your content to get more traffic.
Add some images along with content to make the post more readable and user friendly.

#2 Good Visitors Traffic

You must have good enough traffic to satisfy Google that you can make a good money out of your blog. More you earn money, more the Google get its share from the Advertisers.
It is recommend to have more than 300 visits per day for approval.

#3 Domain Age

Your domain name must be active for more than 4 to 6 months on online network to get approval. It is because if you have good old domain name it is consider to be genuine.

#4 Privacy Policy and Disclaimer Page

User must have privacy policy and disclaimer page linked on each webpage of your site. Having privacy policy and disclaimer page is mandatory without this Google won’t approve your Adsense.

#5 No Grammatical mistake

Try to avoid grammatical mistakes, as most of the users are online and around world so it is case that your content should be readable and should be in global language(English)

#6 Improve Website or Blog Design

Make your website design good and powerful for viewers. Use images wherever necessary for explanations of topic. Don’t try to make tricky use of clicks, and links.

#7 No “Trick or Hack” Keyword

Don’t use banned keywords in you content, never show up with any kind of keywords that found Google as theft or misuse of originals. Instead of using such keywords use its alternatives like Tips, Tools, etc.

#8 No “Piracy, Malware or download”

Google never support piracy, its is very strict against piracy and theft of content. If you got Adsense approved and placed your content on any kind of piracy, malware or download site, then your account will be disabled soon.
Posted By: Unknown

how to get adsense approve your site


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